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An Educational Coloring Book to Help the Environment from Your Own Backyard

 A FREE, printable download for an eight page PDF. 


In Your Own Backyard: Composting! provides a basic introduction to the benefits of composting and different options for composting systems. There is a lot more research about composting that could be included in these few pages, and many composting resources are locally specific. I encourage you to research these resources to understand the options you have available for composting.

Please consider donating to a plant-a-tree foundation to offset the environmental cost of printing paper. Linked below.

1. Compost Title Page.jpg
what to and not to.jpg
2. Mission Statement.jpg
3. why compost.jpg
4. How does it work.jpg
no ggarden.jpg

To offset the environmental impact of printing paper products, please consider donating to a plant a tree foundation. There are many organizations out there that do this work, and listed below are two different options. One Tree Planted gives you the option for you to chose planting locations from all over the world, and donations start at just $1. The National Forest Foundation maintains our national forests being affected by wildfires and diseases, and for every $1 donated the U.S. Forest Service provides $2 of value in project support and implementation.

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